The Parking Lot

The Parking Lot: Keeping Your Meetings Focused and Productive

Meetings are crucial for collaboration and decision-making. However, they can become bogged down by off-topic discussions or issues requiring further exploration. Here's where the "parking lot" technique comes in. Let’s have a quick look at the concept of a meeting parking lot, explaining its benefits, how to use it effectively, and how it contributes to a productive meeting environment.

Parking Lot

What is a Meeting Parking Lot?

A meeting parking lot is a designated space, physical or virtual, where participants can temporarily store ideas or issues that don't directly relate to the agenda's current discussion. It acts as a holding ground for these points, ensuring they are not forgotten but addressed at a more appropriate time.

Benefits of Using a Meeting Parking Lot:

  • Maintains Focus: By capturing off-topic discussions, the parking lot keeps the meeting on track and prevents digressions.

  • Encourages Active Participation: Participants are more likely to voice concerns or ideas without derailing the flow of the meeting.

  • Prioritizes Issues: Parking lot items can be reviewed later, allowing for a more focused discussion on each point.

  • Increases Efficiency: Meetings stay within allocated timeframes by avoiding lengthy detours into tangential topics.

  • Promotes Inclusiveness: Everyone feels heard, knowing their concerns will be addressed later.

How to Use the Meeting Parking Lot:

  • Establish the Parking Lot Early: At the beginning of the meeting, introduce the concept and designate a physical space (whiteboard, flipchart) or a virtual tool (online document, collaborative platform like Miro) for capturing parked items.

  • Capture Ideas Efficiently: Use keywords or brief phrases to quickly note down parked items without derailing the discussion.

  • Review Parked Items Strategically: Allocate time at the end of the meeting or schedule a follow-up discussion to address parked items. Prioritize based on urgency and relevance.

  • Close the Loop: Once a parked item is addressed, remove it from the list to ensure nothing gets lost.

Beyond the Basics:

Here are some additional tips for maximizing the effectiveness of your meeting parking lot:

  • Encourage Active Participation: Remind participants to utilize the parking lot whenever discussions veer off-topic.

  • Categorize Parked Items: Organize parked items by theme or priority to facilitate later discussion.

  • Assign Ownership: For specific parked items, assign an individual or team responsible for following up or taking action.

The Parking Lot: A Versatile Tool

The meeting parking lot is a versatile tool applicable to various meeting formats, from brainstorming sessions to project status updates. By effectively utilizing the parking lot, you can ensure your meetings are focused, productive, and capture valuable ideas that might otherwise be lost. And be sure to look into other techniques, like Elmo, to make your meetings more effective.