Marketing Roel Timmermans Marketing Roel Timmermans

Master the Feed: Unveiling the Google Discover Algorithm

The Google Discover Algorithm can feel like your SEO world is being turned upside down, again! But don’t worry. By prioritizing mobile-friendly content, captivating visuals, and user engagement, you can unlock the power of this platform and reach a targeted audience actively seeking valuable content.

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Self Awareness Roel Timmermans Self Awareness Roel Timmermans

The Ladder of Learning: Understanding the Hierarchy of Competence

Have you ever felt like you're just going through the motions in a new skill, making mistakes but not seeming to improve? Or maybe you've mastered something so well, you don't even have to think about it anymore (“It’s like riding a bike”).

These experiences highlight a fascinating concept called the hierarchy of competence, a psychological model that explains how we learn and progress in acquiring new skills.

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Marketing, Ecommerce Roel Timmermans Marketing, Ecommerce Roel Timmermans

Cutting Out the Middleman: A Guide to Direct-to-Consumer (D2C)

Faceless giants like Amazon dictating the terms of engagement with your customers are the things big brands are afraid of. If they own the relationship to your customer, they are the one in control. D2C empowers brands to forge a direct path to their audience, cutting out the middleman and building a deeper, more meaningful (and possibly higher in margin) connection.

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Roel Timmermans Roel Timmermans

Empathy is not just 1 thing

Like I said before, empathy is not just 1 thing. Like a lot of soft skills, you can look at it as a spectrum. Each of us can be on a different piece of it, and to a certain extreme. And unlike popular belief may have you thinking, we can influence how “good” we are at it to a certain extent.

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Roel Timmermans Roel Timmermans

Forget EQ: The Importance of CQ in Workplace

Develop your Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and become a more effective manager who can lead multicultural teams, navigate global business, and thrive in today's interconnected world.

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Leadership, Management Roel Timmermans Leadership, Management Roel Timmermans

First-Time Manager Cheat Sheet: Master Management & Lead Your Team to Success

Feeling unprepared for your first management role? You're not alone!

This transition requires a new skillset focused on building strong teams, setting clear expectations, and empowering your people to thrive. My First-Time Manager Cheat Sheet equips you with 7 essential management coaching principles to confidently navigate this exciting new chapter.

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Roel Timmermans Roel Timmermans

The Meeting that could have been an email

You know the drill – let’s start at 9 am and stretch into the abyss of lunchtime.

Everyone’s trapped in a room, watching the clock tick away while tangent topics spiral into oblivion…

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Roel Timmermans Roel Timmermans

How to: Build a Positive Workplace Culture

Do you dream of a workplace where collaboration thrives, innovation flourishes, and employees feel valued and empowered?

Then use this guide to foster a positive workplace culture.

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Roel Timmermans Roel Timmermans

The Toxic Manager Handbook

I asked ChatGPT to write me the best Toxic tips to get the most out of your team.

Initially it refused (good job GPT!), but eventually this is what it came up with.

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Roel Timmermans Roel Timmermans

Clarity at Work

How do you provide more clarity to the people on your team? Use this cheat sheet to keep an eye on 7 crucial elements.

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Roel Timmermans Roel Timmermans

Mental Health at Work

How do you safeguard a level of mental health for the people on your team?

Use this cheat sheet to keep an eye on 7 crucial elements.

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