What does it mean?

Situation, Behavior, Impact. The SBI Feedback Model is a widely used and straightforward framework for providing constructive feedback. Standing for Situation, Behavior, and Impact, it offers a structured approach for communicating feedback in a clear, concise, and actionable manner.

The SBI Breakdown:

  • Situation: Set the context by describing the specific situation or scenario where the feedback is relevant. Briefly mention the time, place, or project associated with the observed behavior.

  • Behavior: Focus on the specific observable behavior you want to address. Avoid using subjective language or judgments. Instead, describe the actions you witnessed.

  • Impact: Explain the consequences of the observed behavior. Describe how it affected you, the team, or the overall work process. Focusing on the impact helps the recipient understand the significance of their actions.

Benefits of the SBI Model:

  • Clarity & Focus: The structured approach ensures focused feedback by separating context, specific behavior, and its impact.

  • Actionable Insights: By highlighting the impact of behavior, the SBI model encourages the recipient to consider improvement strategies.

  • Reduced Conflict: Focusing on objective observations minimizes defensiveness and fosters a more productive conversation.

  • Improved Communication: The SBI model promotes clear and concise communication, ensuring the message is well-understood.

Example of Using the SBI Model:

Imagine a team member consistently arrives late for meetings. Here's an SBI feedback example:

  • Situation: "During our team meetings this week, you arrived 10 minutes late on both occasions."

  • Behavior: "Your late arrival disrupts the flow of the meeting, as we often have to wait for you to join before starting."

  • Impact: "These delays can cause inconvenience for other team members who arrive on time. Additionally, it might lead to missed information crucial for the project's progress."

Beyond the SBI Model:

While the SBI Model provides a valuable structure, remember to deliver feedback in a respectful and timely manner. Actively listen to the recipient's response and be open to discussing potential solutions for improvement. By incorporating the SBI Model into your communication strategy, you can provide clear, constructive feedback that empowers employees to learn and grow. This approach fosters a positive and productive work environment where open communication and continual improvement are valued.

Other feedback models: