What does it mean?

Scrum is a popular Agile project management framework designed for flexible and iterative software development. It emphasizes teamwork, continuous improvement, and delivering working software in short cycles called "Sprints." Scrum relies on a specific set of roles and ceremonies to facilitate a collaborative and efficient development process.

Scrum Core Principles:

  • Iterative Development: Scrum breaks down large projects into smaller, manageable chunks of work called "Sprints" (typically 1-4 weeks long).

  • Self-Organizing Teams: Scrum empowers cross-functional teams to make decisions, manage their workload, and deliver results within each sprint.

  • Transparency & Communication: Regular meetings and information radiators (visual representations of project progress) ensure everyone stays informed and on the same page.

Roles in Scrum:

  • Product Owner: Defines the product vision, prioritizes features, and represents the customer's needs.

  • Scrum Master: Facilitates the Scrum process, ensures team focus, and removes roadblocks.

  • Development Team: A self-organized group responsible for delivering working software increments within each sprint.

Benefits of Scrum:

  • Increased adaptability to changing requirements.

  • Faster delivery of working features and functionalities.

  • Improved team collaboration and communication.

  • Enhanced visibility into project progress.


A software development company might adopt Scrum to manage the development of a new mobile app. The product owner identifies key user functionalities, the development team plans and builds features within each sprint, and the Scrum master facilitates the process. Regular reviews and feedback loops allow for adjustments and ensure the final app delivers value to users.

By understanding Scrum's core principles and how it functions, new managers can leverage this framework to lead agile software development projects effectively.