Turnover Intent

What does it mean?

Turnover intent refers to employees’ unspoken desire to leave their current job. It's the simmering thought of seeking new opportunities, often fueled by factors like low morale, lack of growth opportunities, or work-life imbalance.


Imagine Lisa, a talented salesperson. While she's competent in her role, Lisa feels undervalued. Her manager rarely provides feedback, and there's no clear path for advancement. This lack of recognition and stagnation trigger a "turnover intent" within Lisa. She starts browsing job boards and subtly mentions career fairs to colleagues.

While Lisa hasn't officially put in her resignation, her "turnover intent" signals a potential loss for the company. Identifying and addressing the factors behind employee turnover intent is crucial for retaining valuable talent. Regular check-ins, opportunities for growth, and a positive work environment can help prevent employees from reaching the tipping point and actually leaving.