LE (1/2/3) - Latest Estimate

What does it mean?

In budgeting and financial planning, "LE" stands for "Latest Estimate." It refers to the most recent and up-to-date projection of a financial metric, such as project costs, revenue figures, or expenses. LEs are particularly important for maintaining accurate forecasts throughout the year, as they reflect changes that occur between the initial yearly budget and quarterly reviews. Hence a LE[X] is usually the Xth update to the initial budget.

Quarterly updates

Since business environments can be dynamic, budgets established at the beginning of the year may not reflect future realities. LEs typically function as quarterly updates to the initial annual budget. By incorporating these updated estimates, businesses can account for changes in project scope, market fluctuations, or unforeseen circumstances


Imagine a marketing team planning a campaign budget. Initially, they estimate the cost of social media advertising to be €10,000 per quarter for the year. However, after negotiating with a platform and securing a discount, the LE for social media advertising costs might be revised to €8,500 for the current quarter. Regularly updating LEs on a quarterly basis allows for adjustments to other budget components within the year, ensuring efficient use of resources and project completion within revised budget constraints. This proactive approach based on LEs helps businesses stay on track throughout the year and avoid budget surprises.