The Toxic Manager Handbook

“Hey ChatGPT,..”

So I asked ChatGPT to come up with the Top 7 things a Toxic manager would do in order to get the most out of his/her team. Initially it took my prompt and simply told me that this is not what you would want to do. Being a micro-managing, toxic, pushy manager is not the way to get people to excel, nor the way to prevent burnouts.

Funny right? An AI gets this, yet given how much is being said about this topic, obviously not enough people are.

So I had to do a little prompt engineering there. The simple solution, ask it to “act like x”. That worked and it came back with 7 things that give most people the chills. Things that would make you want to go talk to recruiters real fast if you saw them in your manager.

I bundled the “best Toxic manager tips” in a deck.

Have a look, but beware:
This are no leadership tactics to incorporate in your leadership style. Unless you really want to scare people away.

Join the discussion on this LinkedIn post , would love to hear what you think should be number 8.


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