Leadership, Management Roel Timmermans Leadership, Management Roel Timmermans

First-Time Manager Cheat Sheet: Master Management & Lead Your Team to Success

Feeling unprepared for your first management role? You're not alone!

This transition requires a new skillset focused on building strong teams, setting clear expectations, and empowering your people to thrive. My First-Time Manager Cheat Sheet equips you with 7 essential management coaching principles to confidently navigate this exciting new chapter.

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Roel Timmermans Roel Timmermans

How to: Build a Positive Workplace Culture

Do you dream of a workplace where collaboration thrives, innovation flourishes, and employees feel valued and empowered?

Then use this guide to foster a positive workplace culture.

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Roel Timmermans Roel Timmermans

The Toxic Manager Handbook

I asked ChatGPT to write me the best Toxic tips to get the most out of your team.

Initially it refused (good job GPT!), but eventually this is what it came up with.

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Roel Timmermans Roel Timmermans

Clarity at Work

How do you provide more clarity to the people on your team? Use this cheat sheet to keep an eye on 7 crucial elements.

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Roel Timmermans Roel Timmermans

Mental Health at Work

How do you safeguard a level of mental health for the people on your team?

Use this cheat sheet to keep an eye on 7 crucial elements.

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