Marketing Roel Timmermans Marketing Roel Timmermans

Master the Feed: Unveiling the Google Discover Algorithm

The Google Discover Algorithm can feel like your SEO world is being turned upside down, again! But don’t worry. By prioritizing mobile-friendly content, captivating visuals, and user engagement, you can unlock the power of this platform and reach a targeted audience actively seeking valuable content.

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Marketing, Ecommerce Roel Timmermans Marketing, Ecommerce Roel Timmermans

Cutting Out the Middleman: A Guide to Direct-to-Consumer (D2C)

Faceless giants like Amazon dictating the terms of engagement with your customers are the things big brands are afraid of. If they own the relationship to your customer, they are the one in control. D2C empowers brands to forge a direct path to their audience, cutting out the middleman and building a deeper, more meaningful (and possibly higher in margin) connection.

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